Views and Statements expressed on this site are personal opinions of Lord Oxford and are © 2001-2008.

1) .. LAW-REFORM.BIZ is about making LAW a subset of Justice. ..NOT the other way around, as a SUBSTITUTE for justice, and a way for lawyers and judges to make a lot of money and have a lot of unfair power and influence by favoring the rich, for "kickbacks" or very large fees.

2) .. LAW-REFORM.BIZ is run by me, Lord Oxford (a name I CHOSE, formerly Doc Seagle and Oxford University ... note the electronic sheep, and google.) I am now a refugee in London, as the apparently CORRUPT actions of a Sydney Federal Court judge, a very large array of overpaid solicitors for MACQUARIE BANK and its vastly overpaid CEO, Allan Moss, whose "hired guns" have made a safe existence impossible for me in Australia if I am to speak out, and I feel I SHOULD speak of this.

When CROOKS are in control of the LAW system, there is little chance of getting an HONEST reform. Soliciturds are (generally speaking) amongst the most dishonest and self centred people on the planet.

Johnathon Swift observed that point, over 300 years ago, in his "dangerous" expose (disguised as a children's story) "Gulliver's Travels in the land of the hoyhmns" which was just off the west coast of "New Holland" - the "Terra Auftralis incognita" (since "discovered" and now called "Australia") in Swifts 1694-1704 publication "A Tale of a Tub" His description of "Yahoos" to the "Hoyhmns" still rings true today. Perhaps I AM such a "Tub" as was used in those days (of wooden ships) thrown out to decoy whales from damaging ships such as the Bark Endeavour *

To think that Soliciturds would argue for Law-Reform that would lessen their powerbase and high income structure is foolish. such changes need to be made by more honest and FAIR people, if such people can be found. I'd like to pass the buck too - I don't want to fight such bullies as operate this system all my life, is just ONE of my missions I could do with some help on - I'm busy AND not getting ANY pay - I'd welcome some help to secure a fair future - if there is to be one...
If It's to Be, It's up to Me

..Is my adopted philosophy, and if this "David" (now over 60) has to take on A Dozen Goliaths from Macquarie bank AND Sydney Federal Court... well then...
It's STILL up to Me

..But I would appreciate some help, please...

3) ..
Justice101.Biz about the MOST BASIC of justice principles. What lawyers call justice is not.
If its not FAIR, It’s not JUST.

Lord Oxford

(It's just a name ;-)

Update 1108-008
© Oxford University 2001-2008